Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Franklin, our house

More pictures of a baby lounging on our living room couch! But this time, it's Franklin the cat.

Poor Frank was getting so much attention before I got pregnant. Now he loves sitting in the baby's chairs and playing with her toys (don't worry, they'll all get washed before she arrives) and still gets lots of love, but not so many glamor shots. So, these are from late last summer.

Sometimes I miss him being as small as he was when we got him (see below photo) but it's good practice for me to see how quickly babies grow up. This baby kicks fiercely when Franklin lays on my stomach (he doesn't seem to notice) so I think they're poised to be friends. Not to mention that his birthday is 4/4, and our (human) baby's due date is 4/5!

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