Wednesday, November 07, 2007

... and One New Kitty!

While absolutely nothing can take the place of our sweet cat Tess, we are so excited to bring home a new animal companion to our household. this Sunday we became the adoptive parents of Gracie, a 4 month old (ish) abandoned kitten from Forgotten Felines in Rohnert Park. We were looking to pick out a baby boy, and we ended up with this soft, super friendly, adorable toddler girl.

She's pretty teeny, which I'm not sure you can tell from the photos. I didn't want to put her through anything too crazy for a photo shoot (not yet, anyway) as she's unfortunately come down with a nasty case of the cat cold going around the animal shelter. She's been playful and curious and SO sweet in between bouts of snotty sneezing and lots of sleeping. She'll have her first vet visit tomorrow and hopefully will be feeling much better soon (at which point I will take many more photos).

She looks like an old grouch here but in reality she's a tiny little sweetheart with a bad cold.

Welcome home, Gracie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a sweetie pie!!