Tuesday, April 22, 2008

back home!

After driving hundreds of miles/ kilometres, taking 2 huge ferry boats, 2 airplane rides (hooray for the Santa Rosa airport, 10 minutes from my house!!), walking across at least 1 suspension bridge, driving over several real bridges, and much more, I am home and back at work. I had a great trip with my dad, regardless of rain, hail, and snow (!) all throughout our travels in Washington and British Columbia.

I have hundreds of photos from our trip and have to figure out a way to share some of them without turning into someone who makes people check our her vacation slides. First off I'm back to work at editing wedding photos, and in the meantime have a little interview with the blog Casa Sugar to share. It was fun to share some of what being a wedding photographer is like, though I do feel like a nerd that they open the article with my self portrait... funny how easy it is to procrastinate taking a new picture of myself!

1 comment:

Megan Clouse said...

What an exciting interview! Your advise is spot-on and I thought your showcased photos were so lovely! And what is with the pyscho-path-negative-nelly who left a comment on the interview site!? She is CRAZY!! Your self portrait and work are amazing! She is exaclty the type of bride YOU would chose NOT to work with! =)
