Thursday, March 08, 2007

Evolve Into Nothing

that's the title of the song I put on this slideshow of my friends, The New Trust. The grammar in that sentence was awful but I've been staring at the computer all day so I'm going to just plow bravely on.

Anyway, while I was up in Portland, OR, this last weekend, a city I absolutely love and adore, I had the pleasure of seeing the 2nd night of my good friends' band, The New Trust, at a super cheesy bar in downtown PDX. They rocked the house as usual and there was a wonderful merging of all kinds of Sonoma County residents and alums, as well as Portlanders of all stripes.

I just took a few photos as I was there to rock out, have a beer (whee! even just one is a special occasion/ rarity for me), and meet up with all kinds of friends. Shouts-out to Natasha, Rachael, Liza, Ezra, Kim, Caitlin, and the band: Julia, Matthew, Josh and Sara.

Sara and Josh's wedding was the very first one I photographed (hey, I was also a bridesmaid - they have a lot of photographer friends) and thought, "this could be awesome". And it has been. Sara's an excellent photographer who pretty much taught me my stuff so it's hard to thrill them with photos of any kind, particularly considering how rad the inside of their new album is.

Anyway, their music is rad and they are all fine lookin' folks. Most of the photos are of Josh cause, hey, he stood in the light. Sorry Matthew, I didn't want to use a flash.

Here is the slideshow:

This is my favorite song on their new album! It's not the whole thing, though; sorry. Go to their website for more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog through Sara Sanger's website yesterday. I am a fan of your work :) keep up the good work!